Leather gloves bring about images of toughness; roughness ; danger. Lace gloves bring about images of delicacy ; intricacy ; frailty.
I wanted to create a wearable that would augment, meld, and challenge the ideas typically associated with lace and leather. Though concept sketches and explorations, my resolved idea was to make a compound glove: the glove would be made of leather, but parts of it would be laser cut to resemble lace. I made the glove through several rounds of prototyping, first with thin scrap fabric and then with leather. For my final design, I designed the template on Illustrator, laser cut the pieces out, and then hand-stitched the glove together.
I chose to do black thread on cream leather to make more of a statement, as if the wearer was unafraid to hide her mistakes. When designing, I decided to make the gloves fingerless, drawing inspiration from the sparring gloves I use in martial arts. The final piece spoke to the technique of sparring itself. Offensive sparring is strong and powerful; defensive sparring is lithe and intricate. Like the gloves, a good fighter represents both woven together.
The name, Seam, speaks both to the gloves as a statement piece (unafraid to hide the seams) as well as the conceptual union of two materials, lace and leather.